Monday, 2 January 2017

Be more like C9 Sneaky!!

Something shit about complaining and being Sneaky :

Hey guys first things first Happy New Years, I hope everything you do get successful and while I have not been selected to be Assistant coach at G2 (which is a SHAME, cause I’m really good assistant)! And bitch let me tell you that I really needed a drink or two before the new year started… BUT I’m getting misled, let’s go straight to the point:

Anyway, It’s been quite long since I’ve since this trend on pro (or regular) stream, and I really don’t like it: most of them are complaining on the not so recent change on the match-making of League Of Legends (some challenger are getting match with low/high diamond) and pro player are COMPLAINING ALL THE FUCKING TIME ABOUT IT… I’m thinking more as a single example and as I have of course not watched every pro player on stream but through the off-season I’ve mostly watch C9 Sneaky and VIT Steelback.

My point is once I saw him kind of shitting on Sneaky and he said something that sound that way: ‘yea, I don’t really like Sneaky mind-set, he’s always laughing when he dies in solo-q, he’s stream is not try-harding…’ he said a lot of things like that. And to me it seems like he was saying that Sneaky was just a big joke, and not a serious player. And then a second later he start COMPLAINING about match-making, and being very unpleasant about it : ‘I hate those guy, I can’t carry them, they are soooooo bad…’ (although he said that he is bad himself a lot)
(I also saw Eika complaining about getting matched with master… Which as close to challenger as it is close to diamond, but ANYWAY, getting misled!!)

And I watch Sneaky’s stream short after : 3rd on the NA ladder at the time, NOT COMPLAINING just a fucking little bit about the match-making even though he must have been matching with low diamond (or I didn’t watch it all to see him complain about the match-making). SO: 3rd on the ladder not complaining, and at the end of the season he got his Challenger jacket and got the medallion because he was in the TOP 10, and he certainly deserved it, he never complains about bad team, he’s one of the best ADC in the west even though he gets shit on many time, always took it very nicely (as far as the public can see). I mean, the dude seem like the niceestest guy EVER!

So, instead of jacking off and complaining about getting D3/2 in your ranked game mister all challenger EUW, embrace it, try to teach them, those D2 could be your team-mate one day or even replace you.

Be a bit more like Sneaky, laugh about it, meme for a second and you’ll see that maybe you’ll be a better person if you help that D2 (whom must feel as bad as you to get matched with a CHALLENGER) and you could’ve won that game if you didn’t play the bitch trying to be all like: ‘OH NO, RITO… Let me screenshot that OP.GG match-making and complain about it on twitter’

I know it’s difficult, but Riot must be working on it.

Be more like Sneaky! He’s nice.
And yea, I think that’s all for me now. 
IzzieJH xx.