Monday 7 November 2016

The Big TSM and the Little TSM

The big TSM and the little TSM:

Before I start, I just want to let you know, that I am not here to blame anyone, I don’t know if there’s ever been article about that before. And most, I’m actually a big fan of TSM and don’t want anyone to feel like they are being triggered or some shit like that.

All I’m about to say are just theories I’ve been thinking of and that I wanted to share for now a long like so... Yea, hope you like it: 
And also, this is not a hating blog, nor a treatment (don’t think I have Thorin’s level of writing or authorities as an e-sports expert)... But more of a look back at what happens and maybe why TSM failed this year at world, and to an extend spring split, and maybe more!

Would you want to be in a world where instead of people chanting TSM they would chant CLG? LOL please GOD... NO, that would be sad and weird. 
Just so you know: all this happen because of someone, and this certain someone his: Mister Andy ‘Reginald’ Dinh, grand midlaner of Team Solo Mid, founder of the team and big boss of everyone at the organisation. (As a big TSM fan you should know, annd I mean everyone loves TSM, even the one who does not... I mean, come on, don’t joke around who would not love a face that looks like this)
Svenskeren on Bjergsen twitter recently

So, I while back when I started watching pro-scene, I was a naive girl and...
Na, I mean, I liked TSM and FNC because their player looked cute and they were from Nordish country... Ohhh, Rekkles...

Anyway, I was wondering on the internet until I found that video ‘Funny/Cute moment TSM <3’ or something... And it had a clip from a post-game talk between Bjergsen/Reginald and Locodoco (who was at the time their coach) and it was basically Regi telling Søren that he had to be the shot caller even tho he didn’t wanted to (as it seemed in the video), and I felt so bad watching this, because while rolling the clip one or two more time:
I was only watching Reginald, how convinced he was that his advice was good, and how frustrated he was that Søren was ‘not’ listening. And all of a sudden I realised that Team Solo Mid was all about MID (lane in occurrence) and to an extent, EGO!

So, because Bjergsen is Reginald replacement, he felt the need to teach him a thing or two, which is kinda normal, you want the team to do well... But, in a very non coaching way, you just not force someone into doing something they don’t want too. Happily in the case of Søren and TSM it works ‘KINDA’ well, but...

I felt weird watching this clip and felt like this was DEFINITELY NOT Reginald’s place to do this and that it was more of his ego talking like: ‘he’s the new me so he has to be as good as me, because I used to be the best and needs to do just like I did in order to do as good as TSM did when I was in the team.

PS: did not really worked out too well with Rekkles and Fnatic, gaved him too much and we got those disappointed result and all the player from the organisation felt powerless at the end of 2016 Spring Split.
Those players can burn-out sooo fast those are young boy with such responsibility or power (MAY I REMIND
BREAKING POINT *cough* Dardoch *embarrassed emoji*... But the future told us how it went: good and bad.

Also I can remind you of a clip where Reginald said Wildturtle was a creep about him, like he wanted to follow his step and be like him or some shit like that (if I remember well, may not be Wildturtle), while watching this once again I felt that strange tingling: What The FUCK is he saying? That’s so self-centred and bitchy to say that about: first of all a colleague and second a player with its own personality and feeling who might get offended by those words. IN this clip, I just felt he was  disrespecting him instead of pressing him as: ‘yea he’s just being weird trying to copy me’ instead of ‘ yea I felt good knowing he wanted to learn from my experience and me as a person!’

In another clipped I watched, this time from RIOT official video ‘
Legend Rising (about Bjergsen), the coach Locodoco (like him or not, sometime he’s a wise guy), he speaks about how Søren will become a good player once he stepped his ego aside and his ‘childish’ behaviour (funny to say when the dude is a child himself), BUT ANYWAY.
Once again it came to my ear; ah, Team Solo Ego once again coming to your nearest Rift on the 3rd of October
(But for real, what is wrong with being a 17 years old immature  boy playing video game for a living. How can you become so self-centred?)

Anyway: After a disappointed world 2015 and Dyrus retirement #Feels #sadness #MakeDyrusGreatAgain. We all prayed for a better TSM. AND:  Centred on Bjergsen, Reginald found the PERFEC team: Team Kinda egoist AS FUCK Solo Mid!!
Freshly coming from Denmark :  the cute but very aggressive player Dennis ‘Svenskeren’ Jhonsen (who was at the time seen as a very toxic player, and said himself he used to play very aggressive champion like Elise because he thought he needed to carry his team (ego))

Previous Gravity Toplaner : Kevin ‘Hauntzer’ Yarnell .. I have nothing against him to ‘prove’ he was egoist or anything in particular... I mean, look at him, you just got to love this guy!!

Hauntzer on Bjergsen twitter recently

The best add TSM could ever had at that time: Europe most cleanest support, shot caller, veteran and pride of EU, Bora ‘YellowStar’ Kim

And, best for last, recently kicked from CLG, I named mister Yiliang Peter ‘Doublelift’ Peng, I will not say a thing because we all know the guy (but I’m personally team SneakyInLanePogChamp soooo... #SorryNOTSorry I guess)

Nothing could’ve gone wrong for this team, they had the best player in their role... BUT, EGO COMES BACK AROUND.

And now this is all theoretical: FOR ME, the main reason why TSM ‘failed’ spring split 2016 was because they did not let YellowStar take charge while he was the best shot caller in League of Legends at that moment (western speaking, with probably Aphromoo).
If Bjergsen and Doublelift had left Yellow take full charge, don’t you thing they would’ve win the whole thing?

To me, it’s all crystal clear that Doublelift is a huge wall into the success of a team once he has a strong personality in his duo-lane: Never really worked with Zaqueri ‘Aphromoo’ Black, neither did it work with Raymond ‘kaSing’ Tsang (even tho it was for a very short period of time).

And when mister Lift got his hand on rookie Vincent ‘Biofrost’ Wang everything seems just fine., because he was a rookie and got quiet.

Once again for me, it’s just a matter of time before TSM find an ADC that may fit super well into the team, and may be a better fit because he will be less of an ego to lift up as shotcaller and let Bjergsen have the lead on his own has it seemed to have 'work' in the past for Team Solo Mid.

Note that I believe Søren and Dennis are not bad guy, and that I do believe something in TSM made them calmer and less self oriented. You can see the difference in their team play, the champion they choose, their play-style and even personality in general.
I don’t think Reginald is a bad guy either, he just wants to help and that’s a good quality, most owners don’t really care about those kinds of things anyway, but he just cherish TSM, and that’s cool!!!!
I also love the fact that an organisation like TSM still want to invest a lot in League of Legends, and make their player genuinely better, mentally and physically.

And yea, I think that’s all for me now.
IzzieJH xx.

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